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Meditation, Jedi Training & Global Corruption. Sound interesting? 


Before I forget, everything I'm going to share with you throughout all these blog posts will benefit you if you enjoy freedom, dislike governments, hate big tech and thrive off seeing corruption fall to its knees. I got you.

Blog Post

At the core of my being resides a textbook aquarian: quite simply, someone who is hell-bent on chasing humanitarian causes whilst struggling to get sh!t done. I'm sure my wife would happily advocate the latter!

During my 33+ years of existence, my soul has been searching for something. Something that words cannot describe. It's like constant energy that's hovering in my reality, urging me to keep seeking.

Seven years ago, I decided to quit my job to generate revenue to fend for myself. All I knew is that I didn't want to be a part of a 'system' - I knew I didn't come here to be enslaved from 9-5 for 50+ years and then told I could enjoy a retirement? No thanks. Around 26 at the time, my then-fiance was pretty cool about me just dropping everything because I didn't vibe with systems and governments. Guess she's a keeper :p.

The thing I was looking for was freedom. And surprisingly (not so much in hindsight), I found it. I found it through meditation.

Meditation created a sense of bliss - it took me beyond our physical world. It showed me what I am - what you are. What we are. It allowed me to experience what it truly means to be free. When you create inner freedom, you bathe in the energy that is everything. You become the very fabric of the cosmos. When you enter into a deep meditative state, you pass through different consciousness phases and get a taste of creation. Everything makes sense. Your point of view or awareness is much clearer. You see through the falsities that have penetrated every part of our livelihoods. You take solace in just knowing your being and where you come from - it's liberating as hell, especially during this questionable pandemic.

After growing fond of it and the places it guided me to, I decided to learn everything I could about it, so I endeavoured to get my teacher training underway.

Now you may think I've gone bonkers, and ya probably right. If you think about what the essence of meditation is, it's the breath. Once we become aware of our breath and gain the ability to control and manipulate it in ways to create bliss, whoever you are, you will feel like a Jedi. That saying of ‘living heaven on earth’ becomes a literal reality. Meditation is so much more than perhaps advertised - it's an ancient practice that stands the test of time. Our ancestors knew how to interact with the inherent connection between ourselves and everything we know. It's something they told us about - if you look through history, you can piece it together.

I liken Jedi training to meditation training because it's like unleashing a power you never knew you had, but it kind of makes sense. When you can yield your breathwork on the battlefield of life, say goodbye to negative and shitty experiences. 

So during some of these blog posts, I'll detail how to meditate and how you can start experiencing what I have described. At some point in time, we'll go over this crazy incredible breath technique I learnt that helps force you into a state of bliss as you begin to experience just being with no thoughts. Mad.

And that brings me on to global corruption. It's just so silly. A bunch of people that have enough money to solve world problems yet choose not to. It just makes zero sense to me. Our enslavement could not be any more apparent. Whatever we are going through right now, it's unique. Something we've not faced. 2020 just pulled the veil off what already exists. We've entered into a new kind of dualistic battle - one where outer and inner freedoms are compromised. But also a battle that ceases to exist when we awaken and unite together.

I look forward to taking you on a journey to find freedom, showing you how corrupt our systems are and what defences to deploy against them.

Fasten your seat belts.

Until next time,



